Archive | September 2014

Enjoy Today!

Hello Everyone

I wanted to start off by letting everyone know that this will be my last entry for awhile, and quite possibly forever. My health has gotten to the point that I have not been able to keep writing. The real truth is my health is so poor now, my life is consumed with medical… well Everything!

I gained another specialist who wanted a detailed medical background. She is fantastic but brought reality to me when she stated I had 18 separate medical illnesses and diseases. I know one thing is for sure once my stomach died (Gastroparesis), I realized even the joy of food was taken away from me. I lost so much weight the doctors made me put in a feeding tube…But what’s another surgery right? So now I have more tubes and wires coming out of my body than I can handle.

All I can say is…

I wish that I could still go swimming. I wish I had the energy to go dancing. I wish I could get the chance to smell tropical rain. I wish I could watch a sunset over a beautiful body of water.

But what I really mean is I want to be normal…

I wish I was exhausted from a baby keeping me up all night. I wish I had a mother in law who drove me crazy. I wish I had teenage kids to get frustrated with.

The real truth…
I wish I could have one day, just one day to feel normal.

These are things you might still be able to enjoy today. Take the time, while you can. Why not… enjoy life?
